Looks Like Someone's Been Reading My Blog....

Osteria via Stato's Brussel Sprouts with Bacon and Parmesan

Mercadito's Coles de Bruselas (Brussel Sprouts and Chorizo)

Now I'm not making any assumptions, but what are the chances brussel sprouts are on the menu at BOTH places we went this past weekend for restaurant week? Muahh haha.

Look at my cool friends at Mercadito for Jason's (my favorite food loving friend who needs to start blogging about his homemade bread) birthday. Kendra made a visit from Australia and licked her plate clean!


  1. Found your blog via a comment on Kendra's FB page. Love it already. Bought pancetta at Trader Joe's today and brussel sprouts are supposed to be in my farm box, delivered tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to trying your method of cooking them. Thanks!

  2. Thank you, Jenny! So glad you like it! Hope your brussel sprouts turn out well. And that's awesome that you get a farm box delivered!


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